We went out early this morning to try and get a few more photos of this lovely little village town. We thought it was a medieval town but the structure has been changed and redesigned so the architecture is quite a combination. We went through several rooms of the old castle to get a bit of history of the area. More history than I can write in this small blog.

We also got a photo of a bear that was in the bear pit near the entrance but at a much lower level. The brown bears often are hidden under the walkway of guests.

We drove to Ceske Budejovice where we went to the Budweiser Brewery, checked out the small shop and then had our lunch at the brewery restaurant. We had bread dumplings with beef and gravy and dessert was another dumpling with jelly inside. Dumplings are a staple here in the Czech Republic. Bob Nemec (Bob Bob) was Bohemian and that is a part of the current Czech Republic. He always talked about dumplings that his mother always made. I know my mother attempted dumplings, but in comparison, she said hers were more like hockey pucks.
The Budweiser in the Czech Republic is state owned but widely distributed all over the world. In the U.S it is called Czechwar beer. The Budweiser in the U.S and this Budweiser continue to sue each other.

Busy bartender at Budweiser

Walt enjoying his birthday beer after cheers with others.

Here is the beef with bread dumplings.

Onto another castle, Hluboka Castle. This one was up on the hillside like usual but it was considered more of a hunting lodge. There were lots of antlers and leather and heavy dark wood. Of course there were feminine touches with the chandeliers (one of the first castles with electricity) and porcelain dishes and such.

As we were leaving town we saw a stork on a nest. That is a sign of good luck, so we feel that is a good omen.
Then on to Prague where we will spend the next 4 nights. We will be at a Novotel at Wenceslas Square. Hopefully it is near some neat things within walking distance. We really can not tell by the maps we have.
We did go about old town Prague this evening with about 20 folks and enjoyed the evening glow on some of the old and unique buildings.

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