We went to a rehearsal this morning of the Prague Philharmonic and then headed over to the airport in Prague. From Prague we flew to Frankfurt and then onto New York JFK airport. We actually got in after 8 pm and then got a cab over to LGA airport for our morning flight. We stayed at a hotel near that area. We could not get a flight out to Orlando from JFK.

Here is the interior of the building where the symphony performed.

The theater building where the symphony played had this sign in the bathrooms. They did not want you to use the hand blowers during a performance.

Last minute photo in Prague-not many bridges in our area are this ornate

The lounges overseas serve real food with lots of choices versus just snacks.
Thursday April 10, 2014
We are headed home from New York, but it is one of those situations where you can't get there from here. We won't get into Orlando until about 6 pm this evening. Then to wash clothes so that we are ready to go again. You never know when you need to pick up and go again.

Lots of planes were lined up to take off at Laguardia airport this morning.
I will eventually write a recap of our trip after the dust settles and we have a chance to look over more of our photos.
All in all we had a very good trip and saw lots of interesting places in a short 2 weeks. The toughest part is flying to and fro.
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