There was a great deal of damage to the Christchurch area due to the earthquake of 2011. Most of the downtown area is either being rebuilt, torn down or currently in a sad state. It does look as though there is great progress despite the damage to such a neat city.
We have an early start to our day once again as we leave Christchurch. We are on our way by trains and then coach to Franz Josef Glacier area. We will spend the night up near the glacier.

Mountains along the train of the TranzAlpine to Arthur Pass. That is where we will catch our bus. The mountains are really quite steep and vary from being very wooded to dry. We went through the flats first where there were lots of sheep and fertile fields. This was called The Canterbury Plains.

You can tell by the spots on the photo that it is starting to rain once again. It does look like we will have rainy weather throughout New Zealand. The train was about a 2 1/2 hour trip.

This is the clock tower in Hokitika where Jade is native to this area. It is a nice little town but mostly for tourists. This was a nice stop off to change money, have lunch and head to glacier area which is about 2 hours away.

Franz Josef Glacier and waterfalls nearby. Just very lovely. We were really lucky to have a glimmer of sunshine that peeked through.
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