Our daughter (Anne) picked us up with Emily sound asleep in her car seat. Emily had been to the eye Dr. earlier in the day and was exhausted. She also had drops placed in her eyes which made them very dilated. See the photo below which made it look even worse. The flash from the camera really accentuates her eyes. This was Wed. evening (Mar. 6) while she was eating supper

Thursday Mar. 7th was spent running errands and outside since the day was so nice. Emily really enjoyed the nearby park with the teeter tooter,swings and slide. Here you see she was a truly enjoying herself in the outdoors. She also did a fair amount of walking rather than staying inherent stroller. She needed to touch various pinecones, grass and whatever seemed to be nearby her path.

Friday Mar. 8 was also spent outside and there was that errand to the grocery store. The back yard was especially fun chasing and touching bubbles. Ether way Emily was busy playing with her various toys or things she thinks of as toys.

Either way it was a long day for this little one.

Location:Houston area
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