Antarctica, Argentina & Brazil
Dec. 27, 2013 to Jan. 13, 2014
Fri. Dec 27, 2013
American Airlines 1592
Depart: MCO 10:10 am 27D 27E Orlando
Arrive: MIA 11:15 am Miami
AR (Argentina Airlines or Aerolineas Argentinos)j 1305
Depart: MIA 5:40 pm Miami
Arrive: EZE 4:40 am on Dec 28 Buenos Aires
Sat. Dec. 28, 2013
AR 1880
Depart: EZE 6:55 am (Buenos Aires International Airport)
Arrive: USH 11:55 am Ushuahia-the Southern tip of South America
Quark Adventure Cruise in Antarctica Dec 29, 2013 to Jan. 7, 2014
We are on the Ocean Diamond. It departs later in the day on Dec. 29 with 2 days crossing the Drake Passage. Then we have several stops to explore bays, channels and landing sites each day. We arrive back into Ushuahia early in the morning of Jan. 7 after 2 days crossing the Drake Passage once again.
Tues. Jan. 7, 2014
AR 1893
Depart: USH 1:05 pm Ushuahia, Argentina
Arrive: FTE 2:25 pm El Calafate (Patagonia area)
Thurs. Jan. 9, 2014
AR 1693
Depart: FTE 2:00 pm El Calafate
Arrive: AEP 4:56 pm Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sat. Jan. 11, 2014
AR 2720 Austral Lineas Aereas Airlines
Depart: AEP 9:15 am Buenos Aires-different airport
Arrive: IGR 11:00 am Iguazu (beautiful falls located here)
Sun. Jan. 12, 2014
AR 1725
Depart: IGR 6:45 pm Iguazu, Brazil
Arrive: EZE 8:45 pm Buenos Aires International Airport
Sun. Jan. 12, 2014
AR 1302
Depart: EZE 11:15 pm Buenos Aires
Arrive: MIA 6:25 am. Jan. 13, 2014 Miami
Mon. Jan 13, 2014
American Airlines 1678
Depart: MIA 2:45 pm 26C 26B Miami
Arrive: MCO 3:45 pm Orlando

This gives a little bit of an idea of how far south in South America we need to start our Antarctic expedition. We begin from the southernmost point of South America in Ushuahia which has a population of about 63,000.

This map is a bit difficult to read so I have attached a website to see where this chilly cruise takes us. You may have to do a copy and paste.
This is the area of South America we will visit after our cold,cold cruise.

We get back into Ushuaia and then head northwest toward Moreno Glacier area. This should be the end of the COLD areas for a couple of days. We then go to the Buenos Aires area and then up to Iguaza Falls where we will see the falls from both the Argentina side and the Brazil side. The temps here should be more like FL in the summer. We certainly will need to pack very different types of clothing for this trip. Lightweight shorts and tops don't take up much room, so that is not a problem. :-)