Every good time must come to an end. We did spend some time at the beach and enjoy walking for quite awhile. The weather was nice and warm with only a little ocean breeze. Life is good. We did have to walk somewhat carefully to avoid some sort of bluish jellyfish,but not a problem since the beach was so wide. We did stop at a local watering hole and discovered there is an "Idiots Club" that meets every Sunday at this bar. They enjoy themselves and this weekend they had their "Winter Olympics" of the luge and another ice activity that was performed in the parking lot. The club dues and such support local organizations so the money for being an idiot is well spent.

There are also lots of various types of birds that enjoy the lovely beaches and ocean. There are those that swarm the trees and buildings both early morning and early evening. It was fun but now to return back to reality and plan our next escape to somewhere fun.